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Apsorpcije / Absorption


Maja Gjajic, Absorption, 2017; A.O. 1 / 1; Polyptych; Combined technique;

41.5 x 33.5 cm (size of each stencil); 50 x 70 cm size of paper;

Under mentorship of Stanislav Marijanović, doc. art.



Absorption (lat. absorptio)


One part of the description considering term says “ the physical sense, the transfer of energy of the waves on the matter...” The idea was to convey my own knowledge of the media of the graphic, both formally and substantively, and present them in the form of a polyptych as a whole. In accordance with the technical design and the layered addition of the lowered and printed stencils, artistically are also altered and combined elements of the surface and the lines, mutually intertwining and thus creating a complex visual expression. The chosen form was abstract so that it could follow my own internal reflections that I would later pass on the stencil and finally print on the paper.

My own inclination for searching and experimenting has led me to unexpected combinations (but perhaps also mistakes), that I wanted to apply and explore. Visually, I was inspired by the graphics of Nevenka Arbanas and their complexity and layering: “... It is precisely because of this pictorial temper, she reaches for the vast repertoire of drawing devices and means, causing the fundament to resist, or additionally letting herself to its seduction, almost inadmissibly mixing the graphic procedures, in the end endangering the basic definition of graphics.(Beroš, Nada, Preface for the Exhibition of the Graphics made by Nevenka Arbanas; Gallery Karas, Zagreb, 1993.; Editor: HDLU; Puljko Press, Zagreb, 1993.), that is why I wanted to make my own expression of organic formations translated into speech of the color and of the gesture.


Gjajic Maja, The Use of  Colours in Intaglio Printmaking Techniques, a passage from the final work on the Undergraduate study under the mentorship of Stanislav Marijanovic, doc. art.




/ HRV /


Maja Gjajić, Apsorpcije, 2017; A.O. 1 / 1; poliptih; kombinirana tehnika; 41,5 x 33,5 cm (veličina svake pojedine matrice); 50 x 70cm veličina papira;

mentorstvo: doc. art. Stanislav Marijanović



Apsorpcija (lat. absorptio: upijanje).


Kako jedan od dijelova navedena opisa uz pojam apsorbirati navodi: „… u fizikalnom smislu prijenos energije valova na materiju…“, ideja je bila prenijeti vlastita znanja medija grafike, kako formalno, tako i sadržajno te ih predstaviti u vidu zaokružene cjeline poliptiha. Sukladno tehničkoj izradi i slojevitom adicijom nizanih i otiskivanih matrica, likovno su također nizani i kombinirani elementi ploha i linija, međusobno se ispreplićući i stvarajući kompleksan vizualni izričaj. Izabrana forma bila je apstraktna kako bi mogla pratiti vlastita unutarnja promišljanja koja ću prenijeti na matricu i finalno otiskivanjem na sam papir.

Vlastita tendencija za traženjem i eksperimentiranjem navela me je na neočekivane kombinacije (ali možda i pogreške) koje sam željela primijeniti i istražiti.

Vizualno, potaknuta grafikama Nevenke Arbanas te njihovom kompleksnošću i slojevitošću: „… Upravo zbog te slikografičke ćudi ona poseže za najširim mogućim repertoarom risajućih sprava i sredstava, izazivajući podlogu na otpor ili se pak dodatno prepuštajući njenom zavođenju, gotovo nedopustivo miješajući grafičke postupke, ugrožavajući na kraju i samo temeljno određenje grafike.“ (Beroš, Nada, predgovor za izložbu grafika Nevenke Arbanas; Salon galerije Karas, Zagreb, 1993.; izdavač: HDLU; Tiskara Puljko, Zagreb, 1993.), željela sam stvoriti vlastiti izričaj organskih formacija preveden u govor boje i geste.

Gjajić, Maja, Primjena boje u dubokom tisku, odlomak iz završnog rada na prediplomskom studiju, 2017., mentorstvo: doc. art. Stanislav Marijanović

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