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Reflections / Ogledanja


Maja Gjajic – Reflections, 2017; digital print + Acca foam panels; 6 x ~ 100 x 100 cm (in diameter), 1 cm of thickness of an each plate; 
​under the mentorship of Vjeran Hrpka, assistant professor art; Božica Dea Matasic, full professor art; production: Ante-Mate print

The series of works Reflections was generated at the same time as the development of the other painting work. It was accompanied by the inclination to experiment, both in form and content, during the third year of the undergraduate studies. The aim of the work was to reassess some contemporary problems of an everyday man (e.g., destruction and alienation correlated with virtual reality, questions of one's identity, and multiplication and multi original concepts).

I used the form of the Artistic Nude, which I had already used as a motif in photography, and as an item which would help me to answer some questions. The faceless body represents a universal model of the identity, with which any observer can self-identify. The form of a mirror, like a screen in which our virtual reality takes place, allows us to enter it, or in contrary, as the limbs of the Nude, to exit it. The models of opposites also repeat and overlap themselves, similar to the constant fight in us: should one blindly follow imposed rules of the virtual life and lose the notion of one's personality, or should one just accept one's own uniqueness and originality?

What happens when we multiply one part or one whole in several parts? Maybe a mistake which distorts the “perfect” original? In this case, it leads to wonder and dismay, because at first glance it may seem that something unnatural and perverted is shown. If we connect the same principle with a model of representation and overlapping of different identities in the virtual sphere, e.g. in the domain of social networks, we reach almost the same conclusions as in the aforementioned.
In any case, it is possible to interpret this work as a reflection of one's own identity or maybe as reflections of society and its relationship with the existence of the one's individuality.



Maja Gjajić, Ogledanja, 2017; digitalni tisak + acca foam paneli; 6x ~100x100 cm (u promjeru), 1cm debljina svake ploče;
​mentorstvo: doc. art. Vjeran Hrpka, red. prof. art. Božica Dea Matasić; produkcija: Ante-Mate tisak

Serija radova Ogledanja nastajala je paralelno uz razvoj drugog slikarskog rada uz tendenciju eksperimentiranja formalno i sadržajno na trećoj godini prediplomskog studija. Ideja rada bila je preispitati neke od problema u kojima se kao suvremeni čovjek našao svatko od nas – destrukcija i otuđenje u korelaciji s virtualnom stvarnošću, povezani problemi i pitanje o vlastitom identitetu, pojmovi multiplikacije i multiorginala.

Forma akta koju sam već ranije koristila u mediju fotografije poslužila mi je kao motiv u kojemu ću isfiltrirati navedena pitanja. U tijelu bez lica koje ne determinira već predstavlja univerzalni model identiteta može se pronaći svatko od promatrača. Forma zrcala, poput ekrana u kojemu se zbiva naša virtualna stvarnost, dopušta nam da u njega uđemo ili baš suprotno da poput udova akta pokušavamo izaći iz njega. Neprestano se ponavljaju i preklapaju modeli suprotnosti, baš s kakvima se unutar sebe borimo – preuzeti i slijepo pratiti pravila virtualnog života koja su nametnuta i pri tome gubiti pojam osobnosti ili odbaciti navedeno i prihvatiti jedinstvenost i orginalnost vlastita „ja“.

Što se dogodi kada multipliciramo jedan dio ili cjelinu u više njih? Možda greška koja iskrivljuje i oskvrnjuje početni „savršeni“ orginal? U ovome slučaju začudnost, ponekad i zgražanje, jer se na prvi pogled čini da je prikazano nešto neprirodno i izopačeno. Povežemo li isti princip s modelom predstavljanja i preklapanja više identiteta u virtualnoj sferi, u domeni primjerice društvenih mreža, dolazimo do gotovo istih zaključaka s prethodno navedenim stavkama.

U svakom slučaju, rad je moguće sagledati i interpretirati kao ogledanja vlastita identiteta s unutarnjim preokupacijama ili pak kao ogledanja društva i njegovih stavki u odnosima s vlastitim „ja“.



/ Original digital photos used in making sculptures /

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